Previous Editions

Previous Editions

Created in 1989, published quarterly, Sciences Enjeux Santé celebrated its 100th issue in 2021.

Many articles have been published in 30 years, such as :

  • The contraceptive pill Diane 35, article first published in 1995 and again in March 2013 (n ° 68)
  • The dangers of the Gardasil vaccine — March 2007, (n ° 44)
  • Baby bottles with ethylene oxide — December 2011 (n ° 63)
  • Aspartame — March 2006 (n ° 40) and March 2011 (n ° 60)
  • Bioengineering technologies — June 2014 (n ° 73)
  • The frenzy of countries for research on primates — September 2016 (n ° 82)
  • Understanding skin culture — December 2016 (n ° 83)
  • SDHI : new pesticides, new scandal — December 2019 (n ° 95)
  • The historic decision of the CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) on the principle of the last resort — April 2021 (n ° 100)
  • Update on the primate trade at the Niederhausbergen primate centre — June 2021 (n ° 101)


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Current Issue

  • INTERVIEW — Dr Vincent Dani : ExAdEx-Innov
  • ZOOM SUR — La xénotransplantation par le Dr Lilas Courtot
  • ACTU PRO ANIMA — Des engagements significatifs et constructifs
  • Le droit de savoir
  • Achats solidaires et bulletin
  • Le Prix Descroix-Vernier EthicScience 2025

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