Cellular biology stimulated by the EthicScience Prize for 2019 50,000€ for the 2019 EthicScience prize This is the amount we are dedicating to research that eliminates animal testing. The prize will be shared among participating researchers. Thanks to a generous benefactor […]
The Poietis company and it’s founder Dr. Kevin Fournier are teaming up with the AOP (Anti Oxidant Power) company led by Christophe Furger to put in place a proof of concept allowing exploitation of developments in both technologies. The idea […]
Pictures are from Chloé Ka, Henri of International Campaigns Franche Comté & Aurélie Lili Wending.
Geraldine Hamilton from Baltimore’s Wyss Institute, shares the progress of scientific research on Organs on Chimp. This video shows us clearly their possibilities and how they could be useful to reconstitute virtual human organ but also a virtual human body […]
The Scientific Committee Pro Anima and the associations Fight for Monkeys, Animal Testing and International Campaigns organize an event on Sunday 21th October at 2.pm in Niederhausbergen (7 km far from Strasbourg’s North-West) to denounce the use by the animal […]