Dear friends Here is a video from Peta to show that animal experiments are cruel and wasteful.
Dear friends Here is a petition to stop animal experimentation at the University of Strasbourg and to close the trade in primates in Niederhausbergen (close to Strasbourg). Petition (November 2019)docx
Dear friends Muriel Obriet has sent us important news about the Directive 2010/63/ UE that you will find below. Request for review of the Directive 2010 – 63-EU Some data for the EU
Here is an interesting article which was written by Carlin Becker and published on this website : Congress Takes Historic Step Toward Phasing Out NIH’s Costly and Cruel Primate Experiments For the first time in history, Congress is making moves […]
Cellular biology stimulated by the EthicScience Prize for 2019 50,000€ for the 2019 EthicScience prize This is the amount we are dedicating to research that eliminates animal testing. The prize will be shared among participating researchers. Thanks to a generous benefactor […]