Non-Animal Research Awareness Workshops

Non-Animal Research Awareness Workshops

Pro Anima Scientific Committee offers unique, informative and inclusive awareness workshops around non-animal methods.

The goal ?

  • Inform and raise awareness about recent health technologies that do not use animals
  • Highlight their benefits for research and health
  • Provide knowledge, but also tools, adapted to different kinds of audience, to participate in greater recognition of human-relevant research and technologies.

For who ?

The project is particularly adapted to scientific students, adults, and public decision-makers.

Depending on the structures with which we will organize the workshops, beneficiaries, format and content will be adapted.

In short, we really want to open the workshops to a wide audience, as it is essential that a larger number of people are aware of these ethical and public health issues.

When ?

From Spring 2024.

2 possible formats : face-to-face (physical) and remotely (webinar).

Face-to-face, the workshops will take place in spaces made available by partner structures (MJC, cosmetic shops, universities, cultural cafés, etc.).

Remotely, via a video-conferencing software.

What will the activities be ?

Our ambition, beyond providing knowledge about NAMs, is to create a real open and constructive dialogue between attendees.

How ?

Through slideshows, games, discussions, interactive quizzes, etc.

The workshop is oriented around public health issues in the 21st century by addressing the following points :

  • The limits of the animal models & the advantages of non-animal research
  • Non-animal innovations and technologies : concrete applications for health

At the end of the session, each participant is offered (or sent) a pack consisting of a tote bag with the latest issue of Pro Anima’s quarterly magazine Sciences, Enjeux, Santé, the mini-brochure of the workshop and a leaflet.

The origin of this idea ?

A questionnaire distributed online in spring 2020 highlighted the public’s lack of knowledge about animal experimentation and alternative methods.

But it is also the scientists who testify to this lack of knowledge in the field of NAMs

To compensate for this lack of information, awareness-raising actions aimed at different audiences appear essential.

Workshops are designed and led by

  • Thomas Chardon — Legrand (Paris-Saclay University), working science student specialized in popular science at Pro Anima
  • Dr Lilas Courtot, Scientific Head at Pro Anima

in french

Initiative supported by