Former administrator of the SPA, former communications director and having worked with European parliamentarians on the adoption of the 1986 directive (86/609/EEC) which aimed to harmonize national legislation concerning the protection of animals used for certain experimental purposes , Christiane Laupie-Koechlin created Pro Anima in 1989 with the support of Professor Théodore Monod and François d’Harcourt, honorary deputy of the National Assembly. Its dual ethical and scientific objective : to do things better and differently than with animal experimentation.
For 35 years, Pro Anima has contributed to greater recognition of non-animal methods in order to enable a more reliable evaluation of chemical substances including medicines.
Emeline has been in charge of the coordination and strategy of the NGO since late 2020, representing the Committee before various bodies, notably within the European project PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals) as an external stakeholder, or before the ECEAE, a European coalition working to phase out animal testing within the EU.
With a multidisciplinary academic background, graduated from the universities of Versailles St-Quentin, Panthéon-Assas and Panthéon-Sorbonne, combining psychology, law and project management, Emeline brings, in coordination with Christiane and Lilas, her pragmatic and transversal skills and experience for the development of Pro Anima in favor of a better evaluation and acceptance of non-animal methods among different targets (public decision-makers, economic actors and civil society).
Within Pro Anima Scientific Committee, Lilas brings her experience and scientific knowledge to participate in the promotion and support of new non-animal methods, by promoting open and constructive dialogue between the different stakeholders, education and training of young people. researchers and influencing policy makers to enable more reliable biomedical research and toxicological testing that benefits humans, animals and the environment.
Lilas holds an engineering degree in biochemistry from INSA Toulouse and a doctorate in oncology from the CRCT / Paul Sabatier University Toulouse III. After completing a post doctorate at the University College of London, Lilas decided to take a step back from university research to devote herself to reflections on a more relevant science to humans, by working as a scientific manager at Animal Free Research UK. Lilas is convinced that the use of human data is crucial to moving towards more ethical and reliable science.
Following a degree in Science and Technology at the University of Paris Saclay, Thomas is continuing his studies and is currently doing a master’s degree, on a work-study basis, in Events, Mediation of Arts and Sciences at the University of Paris Saclay. Within Pro Anima Scientific Committee, and as a scientific mediator, Thomas participates in the association’s mediation actions, such as workshops to raise awareness on non-animal research, scientific and technological monitoring, and the popularization of knowledge on social networks.
Thomas has been doing scientific mediation on crystallography on a voluntary and/or paid basis since the 2014 edition of the Fête de la Science.
Her interest in science came to fruition when she obtained a degree in Biology with a specialization in Environment.
Eager to share her scientific knowledge with as many people as possible, Julia is currently continuing her studies in the Master’s degree Mediation and Communication of Science and Technology at the University of Bordeaux.
More concretely, she particularly learned during her first internship in the SIRIC BRIO oncology laboratory, which resulted in a fixed-term contract as communication manager. Since then, she has continued to be involved in committees and associations related to cancer research.
At the same time, Julia is particularly invested in the animal cause. As Pro Anima Scientific Committee is at the crossroads between research and animal ethics, joining this NGO was a valuable opportunity for Julia. Thus, this motivated student assists Pro Anima in the publication of the quarterly journal Sciences, Enjeux, Santé, produces popular science publications, and supports Thomas for awareness workshops.